White Papers & Position Statements

Inclusion of Interprofessional Terminology Standards in Electronic Health Records

On June 28, 2018, the ANIA Board of Directors approved a position statement supporting the development and use of terminology standards for nursing and interprofessional electronic health record (EHR) documentation, in order to support data-driven practice and to enable interoperability, patient-centered outcomes measurement, and the generation of nursing knowledge and wisdom across the continuum of health and health care.

Addressing the Safety of Electronic Health Records

On October 1, 2015, the ANIA Board of Directors approved a position statement supporting actions surrounding the safe use of electronic health records (EHRs). These actions include the incorporation of EHR-related patient safety initiatives into existing patient safety efforts and the development of EHR safety programs that include multi-disciplinary self-assessments, using the SAFER Guides from the ONC (http://www.healthit.gov/safer/safer-guides). The statement also advocates for the use of standardized terms to report EHR-related patient safety events and for the incorporation of these terms into incident-reporting systems.